Join anime and manga fans for fun activities, games, and a chance to win fun prizes!
Celebrate your love for anime at this super fun event!! We'll have a cosplay contest, an art showcase/art contest, trivia, lots of awesome prizes and more!
By registering, you're guaranteed a spot at the event, a specialized badge, and an extra ticket for door prizes.
Registration is open December 16-January 12 (ending at 5 p.m.) Walk-ins day-of will be welcomed, up to the room capacity.
This program is open to teens in grades 6-12 and young adults (up to 21 years old) only.
Things to know:
-Cosplaying is highly encouraged, but not required
-Cosplay and all attire must be suitable for viewing by all ages
-You're allowed to have cosplay weapons for your piece, but you may not use your cosplay weapons (i.e. no sword battles in the library). Participants who don't follow this rule will be asked to turn in their cosplay weapon to event staff until they leave
-Registration for the Cosplay Contest will be available on the day of the event
-Special prizes will be given to winners of the Cosplay Contest, Art Contest, and Trivia Contest
-Light refreshments will be provided at the event
Want to participate in the Art Showcase or Art Contest? Information and submission forms can be found here.
Follow us on Instagram @fmpubliclibraryteens
First built on its current site in 2000, the Flower Mound Public Library completed a renovation in 2020. This 40,000 square foot facility includes a quiet reading area, seven study rooms, outdoor patios in the Adult and Children’s areas, and a Creation Lab.